Winter is my least favorite time to be a beekeeper. Don’t get me wrong. There is much to love about the lull that cold weather brings, the chance to catch ones breath, reflect on the year past and attend to planning and preparation for next year’s honey and garden season. But during the winter I …
Author Archives: rpgreen61
A missing chicken
If you have never lived with chickens, you might think the concept of letting them free range seems a bit crazy. After all, chickens not closed into their coop at night are easy prey for nighttime predators like possums, raccoons, foxes and coyotes. Who wants to be responsible for rounding up chickens to put them …
Goat walks
While many people stranded at home by COVID took up hobbies like bread making, gardening or crafting, I got goats. In my defense, when the country shut down for COVID in March, 2020, we had only been on the farm for 7 months, and goats had been on my ‘to do” list even before we …
Chicken Hunter
When we moved to the farm, we could never have imagined that our sweet, shy, neurotic rescue dog, Bella, would find her passion here. Hunting. Don’t get me wrong. Our two golden doodles, Bear and Bella, are loveable house pets, who are outstanding at doing as they are told, except when they don’t want to, …