Raccoons and possums and skunks, oh my!

What a spring it has been. Temperatures in the 80s in mid-April in SE Michigan, followed by cool days that just didn’t seem to want to go away, keeping the bees inside.  Finally, it is warm enough here to get serious about making splits, moving queens and a cohort of bees out of the original hive to …

Cheesemaking:  Embracing imperfection

If you are a recovering perfectionist, and are looking for an activity that will support and encourage that recovery, cheese making just might be for you!  I started my cheese making adventure in 2021 when our mama goat had filled our refrigerator to overflowing with milk.  Even after I started making homemade yogurt, we just …

Chicken Hawk

When I look in my bird book there is actually no such bird as a chicken hawk, but according to Wikipedia it is an unofficial designation for three types of hawks: Cooper, Sharp Shinned and Redtail.  Recent personal experience has given me a pretty good idea of how a hawk becomes designated a ‘chicken hawk’.  …