Have you ever been pooped on by a honey bee? Walk past a beehive on a warm, winter day, following a long cold spell, and you probably will be! Bees will do everything they can to avoid pooping inside the hive, and they can hold it a LONG time. In the winter, when cold weather …
Monthly Archives: February 2025
Winter worries 2025
I continue in my role as the editor of the Michigan Beekeepers Association Newsletter, and in that role, I write a short editor’s introduction for the newsletter each quarter. Sometimes those pieces seem appropriate to share as a farm story as well. I think this one qualifies. Editor’s Musings: As I sit down to put …
Too many goodbyes
Since we said goodbye to Bear in December, 2023, it feels like we have said too many goodbyes to the 4-legged companions in our lives: to Ditto, our sweet twenty year old cat, to Ichabod, our five year old “companion” goat, and last week to Bella, our beloved thirteen year old goldendoodle. Ditto’s mother, Patches, …